Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Parables:The House Built on a Rock

This Summer I am going to start things off talking about some of the parables that Jesus taught in the New Testament.  Today we talked about the wise man who built his house upon a rock and the foolish man who built his house upon the sand.

Here are some great video clips to watch that go along with this parable:

Built Upon a Rock Part 1
Built Upon a Rock Part 2
Lego Wise and Foolish Builders

After collecting some rocks and sand I had my boys make some Lego houses.  Then we printed off these "tools" that have different labels on them and the kids took turns deciding if that thing was something that would build our foundation on a rock or on sand.
 We talked about each thing as they picked them out.  This is what it looked like when we were finished.
 Then it was time for rain!  They each got to take a turn making it rain with a water bottle.  The house on the rock with stood the rainfall.
 The house in the sand eventually fell over.  They got a big kick out of that.
 Throughout this whole process we talked about all the things we can do to give ourselves a firm rock foundation; go to church, pray, read our scriptures and what things we should avoid.

We also made this cootie catcher.  You can find it and a cute printable here.

We also read Helaman 5:12 and sang "The Wise Man and The Foolish Man"  a few times.

Other helpful links to check out:
Primary 7 Lesson 12 from the Manual
Sugardoodle's Idea page for this lesson
Chicken Scratch 'N Sniff's post for this lesson

This was a lot of fun!

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